I - 2 Sam. 7: 1-5, 8-12, 14, 16
II - Lk. 1: 67-79
Today’s Gospel passage is about the Song of Zachariah. Zachariah praises God for his marvelous works especially in keeping His promise of Salvation in the Messiah and for gift of John the Baptist his son. Zachariah predicts the praises God and rightly predicts the plan of God for his son that he would be the preparer of the way of the Lord. Zachariah rightly discerns the mission of his son and the plan of God for him because he was righteous and a devout Jew.
Children are gift of God to the parents with the responsibility to bring them up according to the plan of God for them. This is possible only to the parents who live by the will of God in prayer and discernment. The song is an invitation and a challenge to the parents to bring their children up as per the plan of God for them and an advice to the children to obey their parents who wish their good. As we are about to behold the birth of Messiah, let us intensify our prayers for parents and children that they may seek and accomplish the will of God all times in their lives.