Saturday, December 24, 2022

Bible Reflections I 25.12.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

“For a child has been born for us, s son given to us” (Is. 9: 6). Today the Church rejoices over the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our redeemer. In the first reading, Isaiah gives names that characterise the quality of the new born babe at Bethlehem, Jesus: Wonderful four Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. The world needs someone to consult, confide and counsel for discernment of right choices but seldom do we find people who could volunteer to render one with disinterest on self. In Jesus we have a wonderful counselor who cares about us even to the point of becoming one of us. We are always under grip of fear, anxiety and fright failing to grasp the power of God that can cast all such things off because He is a Mighty God. We are God’s children, created in his own image and likeness. We might dare to move away from God and belittle God in our behaviour but God never gives us up because is an Everlasting Father. In the world that is torn apart by war, violence, confusion and agitations we are given the Prince of Peace who could fill our hearts, homes and nations with peace.   

The Gospel passage is about the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the nativity scene at Bethlehem. Wonderful four Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace being born in a stable at Bethlehem for there was no place in the inn. On this day of Christmas Jesus would wish to be born in our hearts. Do we have a place for him in our hearts? Or like the inn, our heart is too full to not to accommodate Jesus? If we feel we are sinners and unworthy, take courage God wishes only the sincerity of heart. The shepherds were considered thieves and outcasts but the message of Good News about the birth of the messiah was given only to them because they were simple and duty bound. Invite Jesus into your hearts in all simplicity and he will definitely be born there. 

Today Christmas has become one of celebration that attracts commercial exchange diluting the message that is supreme. We concentrate on decorations, dresses, dishes, sweets, gifts and wishes than on the message that is powerful: Sharing, caring and giving in all simplicity, humility and love. Try to revive the spirit of Christmas by filling the hearts of whomever we meet through our love peace and joy. Happy Christmas!