I: Is. 49: 3, 5-6
II: 1 Cor. 1: 1-3
III: Jn. 1: 29-34
The three readings of the day invites us to reflect on two questions: “Who am I?” and “For whom am I?” In the first reading of the day, Isaiah is convinced that he is the servant of the Lord and honoured in his eyes and; he was light to the tribes of Israel; the raise the tribes of Jacob and bring back the preserved of Israel. In the second reading St. Paul writes convincingly to the Corinthians that he was called by God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus. In the Gospel passage John the Baptist introduces Jesus as the Lamb of God who had come to save the humankind. In this light reflect on your own lives. We are the children of God through our baptism and partakers in the mission of Christ Jesus our Lord. As the first and the second reading says we are called to be light to all around us leading them to God and to be saints, as saint Paul says. May the Lord help us to live our lives as lights among the people who we live with and bear witness being saints.
Today in Tamil Nadu we celebrate the Harvest Day, Pongal, a day of thanksgiving to God for the fruits of the earth and the gift of nature that nurture and sustain our wellbeing. On this day we also gratefully remember the farmers who produce our food and remain unassuming amidst struggles and challenges. They are often also underestimated and neglected. On this precious day, as we thank God for the harvest, take some time to thank the famers if you happen to meet them and offer our prayers for them. Resolve also to protect and preserve nature that provides and protects us. Happy Pongal to one and all!