I - Deu. 30: 15-20
II - Lk. 9: 22-25
Any campaign, canvass, promotion and recruitment would advocate the advantages, merits, benefits, profits and gains. Jesus in today’s Gospel passage cautions of denial, suffering, crosses and rejection including loss of life here on the earth on account of following him; and an assurance of eternal life with him in Paradise after our earthly existence, the absolute advantage of following him here on the earth.
Jesus says, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Mt. 11:30). With Jesus no cross is heavy to carry. In following Jesus alone vests happiness, comfort, consolation, sense of purpose and peace of mind and heart despite the challenges and the trials we may happen to encounter. Dare to tread on the road travelled by Jesus and his valiant followers. May the traditional practices of the lent: Prayer, Penance and charity help us to blow of the ashes and keep alive the fervor of following the Lord with courage and determination. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give us the courage to carry our crosses cheerfully and for your glory”.