I - Acts 1: 15-17, 20-26
II - Jn. 15: 9-17
Matthias, Apostle (Feast)
Jesus chose the twelve, loved them, called them friends and taught them everything he had learnt from his Father but Judas desperately failed him by selling Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Instead of repenting and restarting his life like other disciples who had also failed Jesus, Judas killed himself in remorse and guilt instead of trusting in the love and mercy of the Lord. Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Matthias, the one selected in the place of Judas. Matthias was the follower of Jesus and witness of resurrection as well and therefore no less than the other disciples. Matthias courageously took the Gospel to the people bearing witness to the life, teaching, death and resurrection of the Lord.
The Lord has chosen each of us to be his followers out of his benevolence, goodness and mercy. We have not chosen him, it is God who has chosen each of us to be his followers. Due to our own weakness and in frailty we may happen to fail as followers of Jesus but let us not lose heart instead repent and resume our discipleship in Christ Jesus our Lord. May St. Matthias, the apostle, help us to be daring disciples of Jesus as we keep repeating the prayer: “St. Matthias, Pray for us”.