I - Acts 8: 26-40
II - Jn. 6: 44-51
Today’s Gospel passage is on Manna and the Eucharist. The former is from God to satisfy the basic need of a human person and the latter is God Himself becoming bread to satisfy the supreme need of a soul. Those who ate manna in the desert perished but those who eat the body of Christ is promised of life eternal. The one who believes in Jesus and eats of his flesh has eternal life.
The Eucharist is the greatest gift and memory of Jesus himself. Every time we celebrate we recall the love and the life of the Lord who down precisely to impart life eternal to us. Most of the times we take the celebration of the Eucharist for granted and partake in it as a part of obligation or ritual. God so loved the world that He sent His only Son to save us, Jesus loved us so much that he has given himself, his body and blood as our food and drink and if we consume without recognising this we are then dishonoring the body of Christ thereby inheriting the judgment of God upon ourselves (1Cor. 11: 12). Let us partake worthily and consume reverently with a resoluteness of following the footsteps of Jesus. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, the bread of life, thank you for your body and blood that give us eternal life”