Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Bible Reflections I 10.02.2022 - THURSDAY I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 5

           I - 1Kings 11: 4-13
          II - Mk. 7: 24-30

Patience, perseverance and purpose backed by faith and trust gets a miracle done is one of the takeaways of the Gospel passage of the day. The Syrophoenician woman, a gentile, approaches Jesus for a miracle - that the demon be driven off from her little daughter. Jesus tests her patience to the extent of calling her a ‘dog’ but the mother never gave up. She was purposeful, that her daughter be relived from the clutches of the unclean spirit, for she has heard about Jesus. The mother of the little daughter had great faith and tremendous trust in the Lord that she finally heard from Jesus: “…you may go your way; the demon has left your daughter”. 

Jesus says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Mt. 7:7). Ask with patience, seek with purpose and knock with perseverance, all backed up with faith and trust in the Lord and the miracle will be obtained. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, I trust in you”.