I - Is. 10: 5-7, 13-16
II - Mt. 11: 25 - 27
In today’s Gospel passage Jesus blesses the Father for revealing the salvation in Jesus to mere children. The children here refers to the sinners, tax collectors, the crowd, the women, the Samaritans and the ordinary people. These people were able to discover the Promised Messiah in Jesus because of their simplicity and humility of heart as that of little children. The learned and the clever viz. the Scribes, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Chief Priests and the elders, in their pride and prejudice missed the Messiah in Jesus.
Simplicity submits to the truth. Humility accepts the truth. Pride and prejudice obstacles the truth. We often tend to judge and condemn people because of our focus upon ourselves. Let go ‘ego’ in order to become humble, simple and pleasing children of God to appreciate and accept all things as they come. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to give up my ego in order to gain the truth”