Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Bible Reflections I 22.12.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 4
           I - 1 Sam. 1: 24-28
          II - Lk. 1: 46-56 
Gratitude is an emotion expressed in various ways. In today’s Gospel passage Mary filled with joy and gratitude, magnifies the mighty hand and the marvelous deeds of God in her song of praise. Mary praises God not only for what He had done in her life but also exalts the quality of God that thwarts the powerful, the proud, the greedy and the wicked; and favours the humble, the poor, the insignificant and the simple.  

Gratitude is an attitude. We cannot be grateful at one time and not so grateful at the other. A grateful person appreciates even the most insignificant good that is done to them. To some people, even the greatest favour rendered would mean insignificant and nothing to them. The proud cannot appreciate but the simple and the humble appreciate with gratefulness. We are in the season of Advent, closer to the celebration of Christmas that projects the great love of God for the mankind: God becoming a man like one us. Take sometime today to appreciate God and people around us who care for our wellbeing.