Readings: I - Jer. 18: 1-6
II - Mt. 13: 47-53
In today’s Gospel passage Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to the treasure hidden in the field and the fine pearls. The man who found the treasure hidden in the field sells all that he has to buy that field. But the merchant goes in search of fine peals and on finding the same sells all that he has, to buy the pearls. The finding of the former is accidental while that of the latter is incidental. But one thing that was common in both of them was that sold everything they had so as to acquire that what was precious and priceless. They were ready to forego anything but to possess that what mattered everything to them.
‘Exchange offer’ is one of the common marketing tactics that is followed for sale promotion. We are children of God redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. As Christians we are called to be sign of bearer of God’s love to the world. We cannot let ourselves to be influenced by the world instead as the bible exhorts, we must let God transform us into new persons (Rom. 12:2) like lamps lit on the mountain top. In this process we may have to give up all that we are and all that we have so as to gain the eternal joy, the Paradise. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give me the courage to give up for the sake of your love”