I - Mal. 3: 1-4; 4: 5-6
II - Lk. 1: 57-66
Today’s Gospel passage is about the birth of John the Baptist that brought about joy and hope to all around him. Elizabeth was filled with joy because the Lord had been gracious to her blessing her with the motherhood. The neighbours and relatives rejoiced over the mercy of God in the birth of John. Zachariah was would had been extremely happy because of the gift of the child primarily and secondly, he regained his power of speech on naming the Child. The whole ambient was filled with joy at the birth of John the Baptist.
Christians are supposed to be joyful people of God because we are victorious in Christ Jesus. In our mere presence the ambiance must be filled with joy, peace and hope of our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Gospel passage help us to introspect our lives about our presence amidst people with who we live so as to make our presence a qualitative one bearing witness to the joy of the Lord.