Saturday, March 25, 2023

Bible Reflections I 26.03.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Season of Lent - Week 5
           I - Ezk. 37: 12-14
          II - Rom. 8: 8-11
        III - Jh. 11: 1-45

The Lord renews, raises and restores is the crux of the three readings today. But all we need to have is trust and belief in Him. Today's Gospel passage is about raising the dead Lazarus to life. He was laid in the tomb for four days. This is why when Jesus asked the tomb to be opened Martha interrupts saying that there would be an odour. Jesus said to Martha, "Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God" and raised Lazarus to life.

The weight if weakness and our frailties can make us dead to ourselves and to others too some times. All we have to do is open ourselves to the Lord without any fear but with utmost trust and belief in him that the Lord can raise us again to anew. As we are in the season of lent, let God touch the hidden and the dark spaces of life and be born again in him for a new life with a new beginning. With the Lord it is never too late and there is also another chance.