Friday, December 30, 2022

Bible Reflections I 31.12.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Christmas Octave
           I - 1Jn. 2: 18-21
          II - Jn. 1: 1-18

We are in the last day of the year 2022, a day of stocktaking and a day of thanksgiving to the Lord. Every incident, every happening and every event: the joys and sorrows; the ups and downs; efforts and endeavours; success and challenges; and; sufferings and solace were meticulously wrapped with the graces and blessings besides being branded with the benevolent love of the Lord. Take some time today to be in solitude but in the company of the Lord and try to count all His blessings one by one, then can you feel your heart throbbing with sentiments of “Thank you Lord”. At the same time, regret not for the opportunities missed, willful acts of negligence, lethargy, slackness in accomplishing the good, lapsed relationships because of our ego, indifferentism and misunderstanding and wrong choices made. Thank God for bringing these setbacks to our memory so that we can better ourselves to become disciplined disciples of Jesus our Master.  

In the Gospel passage of the day we read: “From his fullness we have all received, graces upon grace”. May we take this day as an opportunity to thank the Lord and pray for His graces for the upcoming new year, to stand firm in our resolutions to live up to our Christian vocation true to the identity of the children of God. Thank also for the family members, friends, relatives, neighbours and every people who were part of life and experience and pray for them as well. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Thank you Lord”.