Sunday, May 21, 2023

Bible Reflections I 22.05.2023 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Easter Week 7
           I - Acts 19: 1-8
          II - Jn. 16: 29-33


Today’s Gospel passage is about the consolation and courage given by Jesus to his disciples. Though fear prevents from standing for Jesus, Jesus encourages to stand up for the truth that will fill the heart which the world can never give. Jesus says that in the world there is tribulation but in Jesus there will always be peace and victory because he has conquered the world of darkness. 

At the face of trials and sufferings we are prone to loose heart and get trapped in fear and discouragement. Take heart Jesus has conquered the world of injustice, violence, hatred, selfishness and falsehood. Stand up for what is right and the Lord will be at our side to give us his strength to stand up and victory in the battle against all that is not of G0d.