I - Sam. 1: 1-8
II - Mk. 1: 14-20
Yesterday the Church celebrated the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord and with this starts the public ministry of Jesus. The Christmas Season has ended and we are in the ordinary time of the liturgical season. In today’s Gospel passage, we read John the Baptist being arrested and that Jesus begins his mission of preaching, teaching and proclaiming about the Kingdom of God. He did not intend to do all by himself, a one man show, but wanted to include a core group for coordinating with him in committing towards the cause of this great mission. Therefore, Jesus begins to select the members to be his disciples, precisely to be with him and to be sent out to work like him. So he gives his invitation to Simon and Andrew while were casting a net into the sea; and James and John, the sons of Zebedee while they were mending their nets. All the four immediately left all things and followed Jesus.
Jesus has selected each one of us as partakers in his mission through our Baptism. Do we recognise this precious and challenging call in our ordinary walk of life or do we live according to the standards set by this world? How privileged must have been to be His choice. God with great trust has made us to be His choice, strive to live for the Lord solely for His love and trust in effecting the Kingdom of God through our lives by fostering freedom, fraternity and justice wherever we are. Throughout the day keep repeating this prayer in the silence of hears: “Lord Jesus, Thank you for choosing me to be your disciple”.