Saturday, June 17, 2023

Bible Reflections I 18.06.2023 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 11
           I - Ex. 19: 2-6
          II - Rom. 5: 6-11
         III - Mt. 9: 36-10: 8

The three readings of the day speak about God’s work of salvation and his commission to them. The first reading is on God’s compassion and concern for his people. He saved them from the hands of the Egyptians and brought them to Himself. He commissions them to obey His voice and keep His covenant so that they remain always as God’s own. In the second reading Paul in his letter to the Romans writes that though we were sinners, still Christ was willing to give his life as a ransom for our salvation. In the Gospel passage, Jesus feels compassionate for the people around who were like sheep without a shepherd. He wished to save the suffering people and so he commissions his apostles to carry on his work among people until he comes again in glory. 

We are Christians with a great mission of healing, preaching and proclaiming. We need not raise the dead the dead, heal the sick….but with our words and gestures, and bring healing to the minds and hearts of people. We need not go to the street corners or search for pulpits to preach the Word of God but can effectively be done through our own life style. Not our mouths alone, let our entire being proclaim the glory of God. Become sensitive to the needs and sufferings of others and reflect Jesus amidst them through our lives.