Thursday, January 6, 2022

Bible Reflections I 07.01.2022 - Friday I Indraya Manna I

Friday after Epiphany

           I - 1Jn. 5: 5-13 
          II - Lk. 5: 12-16

Jesus manifested the power of God and strove for the glory of God.  The choice of Jesus was always for the good of the person and the glorification of the Father.  In today’s Gospel passage, the man covered with leprosy says, “Lord if you choose, you can make me clean”.  Jesus responds to this humble pleading saying: “I do choose.  Be made clean”.  Through his healing Jesus does not take the glory for himself but reminds the healed person of what Moses had commanded: to make an offering for the cleansing, thereby persuading the healed to fix his focus on God with a gratefulness and thanksgiving.  Jesus preached, taught, healed and accomplished all the good he can wherever he went but was always concerned not about his glory but that of the glory of God.

We are in the world of vanity that parades its pride in vain glory and in seeking cheap popularity.  For a mite of good done, mighty publicity is sought after.  We are prone to seek after personal gain, name and fame in every one of our little deeds of kindness and love.  May this Gospel passage enlighten us to aspire for the greater glory of God in every one of our word and deed.  Let this thought resound in our hearts and minds as we are into another day of God’s mercy and kindness: “All for the glory of God and only for the glory of God”.