I - Jas. 5: 9-12
II - Mk. 10: 1-12
Bl. Rani Maria Vattalil (Memorial)
Matrimony is one of the seven sacraments of the Church. Marriage is willed and blessed by God for the purpose of companionship, procreation and family building in mutual love, sincerity and self-giving. In the trending world of the global reality, the holy matrimony is belittled to a mere contract, live in and break ups for silly or no reasons out of sheer ego, misunderstanding, suspicion, pride and autonomy. In today’s Gospel passage when Jesus was trapped with the question on divorce, he sides with Moses, upbraiding the hard heartedness of men, highlighting the importance and the purpose of marriage.
A bit of love can patch all relationships together fostering endurance, patience, sacrifice, non-judgmental attitude and mutual give and take. The martial bond strengthens the family living that brings forth caring and responsible children. Today the Church celebrates the feast of Sr. Rani Maria, a missionary from Kerala who served the tribals and the dalits of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, India. She instructed the village labourers in Madhya Pradesh about the Government schemes and procedure for availing loans from the Government institutions. This infuriated the money lenders and she was stabbed to death by Samandar on her way from Udainagar to Indore. The family forgave Samadar and got parole too for him thrice - an act of Christian charity and forgiveness - an epitome of the family that is found on the Christian Gospel values. Marital bond favours such upbringing of the children. Family that prayer together, stays together. Make daily prayer a part of daily program for a dedicated family living. May our mind and hear resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, bless our families”.