I - Acts 20: 17-27
II - Jn. 17: 1-11
The Gospel passage of the day, the prayer of Jesus consists of two parts: in the first part Jesus expresses about is communion with the Father and in the second part Jesus prays for his disciples who believed in him because of the words of Jesus that was from his Father. Jesus all through his life glorified his Father in all his words and works. His prime concern was this and Jesus wanted that his disciples too be like him giving glory to the Father in Heaven and this is why he prays not for all but for his disciples because the disciples are called to imitate their masters.
In the light of the Gospel passage of day, let us examine our lives. In all that we do and say we are called to bear witness to the Lord and this is glorification to the Father. May our life of witness bring many more people to God our Father.