I - Esther 12: 14-16, 23-25
II - Mt. 7: 7-12
In today’s Gospel passage Jesus says to his disciples “Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets”, a simple formula for mutual wellbeing, peace, serenity and prosperity. It’s a sort of invitation for introspection. All of us do wish from others: love, forgiveness, kindness, respect, cordiality, amicability, esteem, faithfulness, uprightness and loyalty. But do we do the same to others? Don’t we gossip, underestimate, humiliate, brand and label persons thus projecting ourselves as someone righteous? If we go by what Jesus says, the Kingdom of God is already here on the earth spreading the fragrance of equality, fraternity, justice and liberation.
Love others as yourself is the precondition before we could ask, seek or knock for anything to God. In our love for our neighbour as oneself, will we be able to ask, seek or knock in and with charity. Anything asked in and for charity will be instantly done to us for in loving others do we become acceptable and worthy children of God. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give us the grace to accept and love others as ourselves”.