Saturday, July 23, 2022

Bible Reflections I 24.07.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 17

           I - Gen. 18: 20-32
          II - Col. 2: 12-14
         III - Lk. 11: 1-13 

The crux of the readings of the day are persistence and perseverance in prayer. Persistence is the resoluteness even at the face of opposition and obstacles. Perseverance is steadfastness in doing something. Both are essential to achieve and arrive at what one desires. Persistence and perseverance are the most important requisites of prayer. In the first reading Abraham is persistent and persevering in pleading God for Sodom and Gomorrah because he wanted to save the people from destruction. In the Gospel passage, through the parable Jesus explains that the friend lends bread because of the persistent pleading of his friend that was bothering him so much though personally he did not have the intention of helping his friend in need. Giving this parable, Jesus exhorts the children of God to persevere in the persistent “ask-seek-knock” trusting in the providence of God.

God cannot be conditioned by our prayers. He is all good and gives only that what is good and best for his people whether they are praying or not praying. Then why should we pray? We should of course keep asking, seeking and knocking not only for ourselves but also for others as did Abraham, like children pleading to their fathers. And we have to be persevering in our persistence with our pleadings and petitions in faith that God would certainly provide if they are going to benefit us and the others for whom we are praying. Let us today take some time to examine the quality of our prayer and keep repeating in the silence of our hearts: “Lord, Teach us to pray”