Thursday, September 2, 2021

Bible Reflections I 03.09.2021 - Friday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 22

            I - Col. 1: 15-20
           II - Lk. 5: 33-39

The arrival of the bridegroom is beheld with great joy and jubilation for it connotes a grand celebration. People do not fast during celebrations. The presence of Jesus, the long awaited Messiah is a celebration as the scripture describes: “….neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, not pain anymore, for the former things have passed away” (Rev. 21:4) and hence there is no necessity for fasting, weeping or sorrowing. The Pharisees adamantly refused to accept Jesus as the Promised One, the fulfillment of the prophecy and continued with their fasting and prayer awaiting the arrival of the Messiah while he was still amidst them.  

Jesus is ‘Immanuel’ - ‘God with us’. We are often perturbed by petty problems as though we have no God to turn to. We must have been crossing so many barriers with God in the past but when time comes, we forget and keep mourning, sorrowing and sighing. Dare to fight the battle and face life as it comes for we have a mighty God and a great warrior in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Realising the presence of Jesus in our life is celebration of life itself. Let us live a life of celebration with God. May our mind and heart resonate as we keep repeating: “Lord Jesus, you are Immanuel - God with us”.