Saturday, February 18, 2023

Bible Reflections I 19.02.2023 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 7
           I - Lev. 19: 1-2, 17-18
          II - 1 Cor. 3: 16-23
         III - Mt. 5: 38-48

The Code of Hammurabi was the most prevalent law followed by the people of that time before the Law of Moses. It focused on the criminal and civil laws and insisted on harsh, cruel and brutal punishments for the offenders. The Law of Moses was religiously oriented. It emphasised the spiritual dimension based on the words of Yahweh, “be holy for I am holy” (Lev. 11: 45). But the Law of Jesus surpassed the Law of Moses for it was rooted in the Law of Love that exhorted forgiveness and asserted good for evil. At the time of Jesus Israel was under the rule of the Romans. The Roman soldiers when angered slapped the Jews on their left as a sign of degrading and mockery. Jesus asks not to retaliate but to aver justice amicably in forgiveness by showing their left cheek. The Romans usually took away the tunic of the Jews against their wish, Jesus encourages them to give willingly with their inner garments as well. The Romans ordered the Jews to carry weights for them, Jesus commands to walk extra miles helping them. In short, through today’s Gospel passage Jesus teaches them on love and not retaliation; forgiveness and not vengeance; and on brotherhood and never enmity. In practicing them we become perfect children of God. 

The preaching of Jesus is challenging but possible. In the Russian - Ukrainian war, a Russian soldier was caught for shooting an unarmed man in the battlefield. He was brought to the court along with the lady who lost her husband. The sixty three year old Russian lady was asked punish the soldier who shot her unarmed husband. She offered him forgiveness and urged the Russian Government to release four Ukrainian solders instead. Forgiveness is possible even today if we have the heart of love and intention to repay evil with good. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give us the courage to forgive others.”