I - Judges 2:11-19
II - Mt. 19: 16-22
Christian living is giving. Giving all that we have and all that we are, to ennoble, enrich and empower the poor, the downtrodden, the less privileged, the less fortunate and those in misery. Observance of commandments may help to inherit eternal life but perfection vests in parting away with the possession for the poor is the crux of the Gospel passage today. The man who wanted to be perfect and approached Jesus for the same observed all laws right from his childhood but he was unable to sell his riches and give to poor because it hurt him. It might hurt his security, status, dignity and pride. Therefore the rich man went away sorrowful not having a heart to part with riches.
Spending our energy, time, skill, money, material, wealth; and power surpassing all time constraint, power constraint, dignity constraint, status constraint and prestige constraint even at the cost of name, fame, pride, dignity, ego and reputation, just to uplift the poor and those in the periphery, is emptying. This is the way to perfection.