Sunday, July 10, 2022

Bible Reflections I 11.07.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 15

           I - Is. 1: 10-17
          II - Mt. 10: 34 - 11:1 

According to the Gospel passage of the day, the three R’s involved in following the Lord are: Risk in following, Resoluteness in the following and Reward in the following. The risk in following is that we might have to conflict our own family members on account of the Gospel values; and become a foe to our own father and mother for whom we are so dear. We must be resolute in our following even at the cost of losing our parents in order to become worthy of Christ’s followers. But the reward to such following worth losing anything on this earth. Because the Gospel reading of the day says that even the one the offers a cup of cold water to the follower of Christ receives a righteous person’s reward and much more to the one who follows: a hundredfold here and eternal life in the next (Mk. 10: 30).

Following the Lord is a risk, a risk of losing everything and everyone on this earth. But dare to be resolute in the following because the reward is greater in heaven. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give me the courage to stand for the Gospel values”.