I - 1 Cor. 1: 17-25
II - Mt. 25: 1-13
Today’s Gospel passage is about the parable of the ten bridesmaids; five foolish and five wise. To understand this parable we need to understand the background of this context. In the Jewish tradition, after the wedding, it is customary for the bridegroom to come to the bride’s house and take her for a banquet with him along with the bridesmaids. The bridegroom might come at any part of the night. The time was uncertain but the coming was sure. It was mandatory to be present with the lamp lit and the wedding garment on, to enter into the wedding hall. The foolish five virgins knew about it. It was indeed an attitude of carelessness of not taking required oil along with them and so we cannot regret for the five foolish women. The wise five had their reward of entering into the wedding hall with the bridegroom for their long watchful waiting in preparedness and faithfulness.
To take up a journey to any nation we need passport and VISA. Our life on earth is a journey towards the world of bliss with the Lord. Like passport and VISA we need two things to enter into the Paradise of God: one, trust and hope in the Lord and two, love and service to the humanity. The bible says, “Love covers over a multitude of sins” (Prov. 10: 12; 1 Pt. 4: 8). Charity is our passport, the requirement into heaven. With this trust and hope in the Lord keep yourselves prepared with the acts of Charity to partake in the blissful banquet of the Lord. Let our mind and heat resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, fill my heart with your love”.