I - Heb. 9: 15, 24-28
II - Mk. 3: 22-30
Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Francis de Sales. He is one of the patron saint of Salesian Institute. The model from whom Don Bosco imbibed his spirituality. St. Francis de Sales was a priest who courageously followed God’s way - the way of perfect charity; a daring bishop who organised diocesan synods, reorganized administrative structures and initiated the practice of parish visitations; dynamic founder of the congregation of Visitation sisters along with St. Jane de Chantal; He was a prolific writer, ardent spiritual director who had written over 10,000 letters of spiritual direction; Doctor of the Church and a legend, still a meek and gentle saint. His life of love and gentleness was a model of spirituality to many legendary saints. His way of life like honey to the flies attracted the lives of many.
Today’s Gospel passage is about the mother and brothers of Jesus, trying to meet Jesus. In this Gospel passage, Jesus is not trying to deny relationship but demonstrates a higher level of relationship with God that is built on obedience to his will. Secondly, Jesus affirms his relationship because they were accomplishing the will of God in their lives. St. Francis de sales says: “Be who you are and be that well”. Modelled after the saints, walk with conviction on the path of sanctity accomplishing the will of God in our lives. May St. Francis De Sales intercede for us as we keep praying in the silence of our hearts: “St. Francis De Sales; Pray for us.”