Thursday, May 25, 2023

Bible Reflections I 26.05.2023 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Easter Week 7
I Reading: Acts 25: 13-21
Gospel: Jh. 21: 15-19
St. Philip Neri (memorial)


Today the Chirch celebrates the feast of St. Phillip Neri an ardent priest who dedicated his life for the poor and the youth. Don Bosco picked up the spirituality of Phillip Neri in his work among the young in their salvation of souls. He wished to come to India as a missionary but through a dream he was directed to stay in Rome. He cared so much for the youth, found safe place for them and was particularly concerned in securing a place for them in heaven. Pope Gregory XIV tried to make him a cardinal but Philip Neri declined and dedicated himself for the cause of the poor poor people. He sat at the confessional for hours bringing down God's forgiveness on the people. 

In today's Gosple passage Jesus asks Peter whether he loves him three times and every time time when Peter said that he loved Jesus, he was entrusting to him the mission of tending taking care of his people. The one who loves God ought to reflect the same in his love for his neighbour. St. Phillip Neri too had done it. Let us too do the same and witness our love for the Lord in our acts of live for our neighbour.