I - Joel 1: 13-15, 2: 1-2
II - Lk. 11: 15-26
A possessed and dumb man was brought to Jesus. Jesus casted out the demon and the man began to speak. This action of Jesus created two different reactions among the people who witnessed. One group was amazed, astounded and astonished and the other group argued, accused and unapproved Jesus. Jesus, the Son of God was misrepresented and was unjustly associated with Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons. Some even asked for sign from heaven to testify to his credibility even though Jesus was performing miracles after miracles among them. Jesus neither justified himself nor argued with them. He only enlightened and inspired them to think; and left them to conclude for themselves.
Sir Newton’s third laws says, “For every action in nature there is an equal opposite reaction”. The Son of God was associated with Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons but still he was never perturbed or disturbed. He never got struck up anywhere at the cutting comments of the people. He just moved on minding his work like a river causing newness, happiness, life, hope, love and joy wherever he went. There serenity came from the self-awareness and the conviction that he is the Son of God; and the clarity of his purpose and mission drove him to forge ahead in his mission and ministry responding rightly and tackling tactfully all reactions of all types of people. Let us too forge ahead focusing on God with constant reference to our conscience. May the Holy Spirit help us to respond rightly to the reactions of people around us as did Jesus our Master.