Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Ordinary Time: Week 25 Readings I - Ezra. 1: 1-8 II - Lk. 8: 16-18 LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE Today’s Gospel passage is an appeal to let our light shine. As the Gospel passage says, no one lights a lamp and puts it under a bed rather place it on the stand for a better lighting. We as Christians are bestowed with various gifts of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 12: 68) utilizing which we are called to bear fruit in this world for the glory of the Lord for we are accountable to the gifts given. We are called to lift our lights high so as to lift the world to its original order and this is what the Kingdom of God is. Let Jesus, our Master be our role model. He utilised all his power and energy in doing all good to others. He strove to lift up the world head up as children of God as an example to follow. Failing to use God’s gifts to serve each other is failing to be an ardent follower of Christ. Today the Church celebrates the feast of the parents of St. Theresa of Child Jesus. It was the faith, teaching and the exemplary life of these parents that made the children offer themselves to love the Lord all through their lives. Today we shall also pray for the parents that they may help their children to let their light shine as did the parents of St. Theresa of Child Jesus.

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