Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Ordinary Time: Week 27 Readings I - Jonah 3: 1-10 II - Lk. 10: 38-42 CHOOSE THE BETTER PART Martha welcomed Jesus into her home. The two sisters chose their own roles in expressing their hospitality and love to their beloved guest, Jesus: Martha, to serve the Lord and her sister Mary, to sit at the feet of the Lord and to listen to him. Mary was considered to have chosen the better part because she was totally present to the Lord in listening to him that she was neither distracted nor disturbed by anything or anyone. On the other hand, Martha was working for the Lord but she was worried about many things that she began to blame Mary and accuse Jesus for not caring about her when she was alone doing all works. Which is better? To choose and to be committed or to choose and to be distracted? Mary was committed in listening to the Lord, the lot that she chose therefore Mary had chosen the better part. In our expression of love and devotion to the Lord we do often compare and contrast ourselves with others. The expression and devotion to the Lord could be contained in our prayer life, in our listening to the Word of God, in helping the poor, in serving the needy, in rescuing the suffering, in relieving the oppressed and in loving the least in the society. In this process one need not compare and get distracted but to accomplish with utmost devotion, love, care and reverence. Otherwise all our works and efforts would go a waste in vain. Let us choose the better part like Mary in loving and serving the Lord with love

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