Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Ordinary Time: Week 27 Readings I - Mal. 3: 13 - 4:2 II - Lk. 11: 5-13 ASK-SEARCH-KNOCK Prayer is all about A.S.K. that is Ask-Search-Knock incorporated with the theological virtues and in persistence. Ask with charity, search with faith and knock with hope and it shall be done. Ask God in love: love for God, self and neighbour so that we be selfless and right in addressing our petitions, invocations and intercessions to the Lord. Search for God with utmost faith even when all around is dark for the Bible says, “Even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you” (Ps. 139:12) so that we find him so closer to us than our very breath (Ps. 46: 1). Knock at the door of the paradise with a hope of a child towards his father and will be opened. Never cease to ASK with Charity, Faith and Hope and it will be done all for the good of the person and for the glory of God.

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