I - Jer. 20: 7-9
II - Rom. 12:1-2
III - Mt. 16: 21-27
The readings of the day invites us to set our mind on things of God as Jesus in the Gospel reading of the day. In the second reading St. Paul says that we have to conform our mind not to this world but be conduct our lives discerning and living by the will of God. In the first reading, prophet Jeremiah despite suffering chooses again and again to proclaim God’s Word though it was not pleasing to the people of God. In the Gospel passage Jesus says convincingly chooses to go to Jerusalem so as to fulfill the Father’s will for the salvation of he world.
We are the children of God. If we are His Children, we must be ready to discern and live by God’s holy will. We cannot follow the standards of the world that are pleasing but must be willing to offer ourselves as sacrifice to God in every move we make, going against the standards of the world. Set your mind not on the world with all its whims but on God’s will that goes against the whims of the world.
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