I - 1 Thess. 4: 9-11
II - Mt. 25: 14-30
Today’s Gospel passage is about the parable of the talents. The masters entrusts to the servants five, two and one talents, according to their ability and goes on his journey. The first two servants who received five and two talents multiplied them through their hard work and returned as ten and four talents respectively to their master on his return. The third servant returned the one he received besides accusing the master himself saying, “Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed”. The good and faithful servants received their rewards and; the wicked and the slothful servant received his punishment.
Like the master in the parable, God has entrusted each of us with talents with great trust and confidence. He has entrusted unconditionally without any strings attached to it. But it is our responsibility to be industrious in utilizing the same in building up the humanity. Otherwise we will resemble that wicked servant who did nothing but blamed the master himself, for his laziness. We need not compare the talents with one another but be convinced that we are given according to our ability. In the light of this Gospel passage let us examine how we utilise our God given talents. At the end of time the Lord will reward those who serve him and the humanity with the talents given and punish those who are irresponsible and slothful.
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