Monday, February 28, 2022

Bible Reflections I 01.03.2022 - Tuesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 8

           I - 1Pt. 1: 10-16
          II - Mk. 10: 28-31

Profit, benefit, reward and return are all the normal expectations of anyone who wishes to part with anything for a purpose or a cause. The ‘one thing necessary’ – 'to sell’ or to give up, of Jesus to the rich young man would have stirred up the mind of impetuous Peter so much that he says spontaneously, “See, we have left everything and followed you” which means, “what would be our reward?”. Jesus assures of a twin reward to all who follow him leaving everyone and giving up everything for the sake of the Kingdom of God: hundredfold of all blessings here on this earth and assurance of eternal bliss in the life to come.

There are also two ways of giving: one, in all cheerfulness with love and two, sulkily with some reservations. To which category do we belong? Are we ready to give up anything and everyone for Christ or with some reservation and huge expectations? The Scripture says that God loves a cheerful giver. Give cheerfully all for the love of God and merit the Kingdom of God prepared all in love for us through Jesus our Lord. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus part with anything for the sake of your love for us”.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Bible Reflections I 28.02.2022 - Monday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 8

           I - 1Pt. 1: 3-9
          II - Mk. 10: 17-27

The Gospel passage of the day is an invitation to give up individual prosperity for the sake of social responsibility in order to gain eternal life. Observance of all other commandments without practicing charity towards the poor shall be that ‘one thing lacking’ for an eternal life of bliss. Savings and investments secure our life here on the earth. Right from sharing the little we have to giving away from the abundance we possess all in love would be the powerful investment for our life eternal.  

It is not that Jesus mentions material riches alone when he says, “Go and sell” to the young man. It could be our pride, ego, glory, skill and knowledge, anything that would merit the wellbeing of the poor, the neglected, the downtrodden, the marginalised and the oppressed. It is for gaining that we are called to lose, to give away in order to get back and to deny in order to attain. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer, “Lord Jesus, give me the courage to lose all so as to gain all”.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Bible Reflections I 27.02.2022 - SUNDAY I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 8

           I - Sir. 27: 4-7
          II - 1Cor. 15: 54-58
          II - Lk. 6: 39-45

In the Gospel passage of the day Jesus says that no good tree bears bad fruit and vice versa. Similarly, we cannot expect good from the evil minded person and any evil from a good hearted persons. The first reading also says that a person’s speech discloses the cultivation of one’s mind. As Jesus says, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”. 

The words that come from the mouth could be a blessing, curse, praise, anger, hurting, loving, healing, comforting and soothing depending on the disposition of mind and heart nurtured by the person. We can examine ourselves whether we are good tree or bad tree from the way we speak and the way accomplish our deeds. Therefore train your mind, guard your thoughts, watch over your mouth and excel in your words and deed, all for the glory of God. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, make me a good tree yielding good fruit all for your greater glory”.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Bible Reflections I 26.02.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA

Ordinary Time - Week 7

           I - Jas. 5: 13-20
          II - Mk. 10: 13-16

The Gospel passage of the day recalls to my mind the following lines of the hymn “Jesus gave a nice surprise…”

“The secret of the kingdom is power to the children
And that’s the Father’s style.
The greatest in the kingdom are those who enter in
But the keys are in the hands of a child”

The women and the children in the Jewish society had neither recognition nor any identity.  This is why when people brought the little children to be blessed by Jesus, the disciples rebuked them.  Jesus highlights the greatness of the little children by presenting them as models to be imitated in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.  

The great qualities in the little children worth befitting the kingdom of heaven: to be just natural without pretention, love all without bias, easily forgive without revenge, forget without grudge, innocent without any guile, accept all without distinction, simple without complication and the internal freedom that they enjoy without fear. If we imbibe these qualities of the little children we are sure to be great to inherit the eternal life.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, transform my heart unto that of a little child”.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Bible Reflections I 25.02.2022 - Friday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 7

           I - Jas. 5: 9-12
          II - Mk. 10: 1-12

Bl. Rani Maria Vattalil (Memorial) 

Matrimony is one of the seven sacraments of the Church. Marriage is willed and blessed by God for the purpose of companionship, procreation and family building in mutual love, sincerity and self-giving. In the trending world of the global reality, the holy matrimony is belittled to a mere contract, live in and break ups for silly or no reasons out of sheer ego, misunderstanding, suspicion, pride and autonomy. In today’s Gospel passage when Jesus was trapped with the question on divorce, he sides with Moses, upbraiding the hard heartedness of men, highlighting the importance and the purpose of marriage. 

A bit of love can patch all relationships together fostering endurance, patience, sacrifice, non-judgmental attitude and mutual give and take. The martial bond strengthens the family living that brings forth caring and responsible children. Today the Church celebrates the feast of Sr. Rani Maria, a missionary from Kerala who served the tribals and the dalits of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, India. She instructed the village labourers in Madhya Pradesh about the Government schemes and procedure for availing loans from the Government institutions. This infuriated the money lenders and she was stabbed to death by Samandar on her way from Udainagar to Indore. The family forgave Samadar and got parole too for him thrice - an act of Christian charity and forgiveness - an epitome of the family that is found on the Christian Gospel values. Marital bond favours such upbringing of the children. Family that prayer together, stays together. Make daily prayer a part of daily program for a dedicated family living. May our mind and hear resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, bless our families”.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Bible Reflections I 24.02.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 7

           I - Jas. 5: 1-6
          II - Mk. 9: 41-50

Today’s Gospel passage speaks of the reward of giving and the reward of losing for the sake of the Lord. Even the most insignificant good deed done to the other in the Lord’s name will definitely be rewarded. Whoever is ready to lose anything to save his/her soul will be rewarded with life eternal. It is better to lose the part of the body that does not follow us up after our life here on this earth than to lose the eternal bliss that awaits for those who live for the Lord. Surgical amputations are done to save the life of the person. Jesus exhorts to get away with that part of the body that induce to indulge in sinful activities for an authentic Christian living as children of God.  

When we help others for the sake of the Lord and excel in Godly values we will be like salt that savors, pointing and giving the foretaste of the Kingdom of God and this is deed is a credible Christian living. Let people look at us and set standards; and never become a scandal to others causing destruction. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give me the courage to live for your values”.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Bible Reflections I 23.02.2022 - Wednesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 7

           I - Jas. 4: 13-17
          II - Mk. 9: 38-40

St. Polycarp, Bishop, Martyr (Memorial)


There are two ways of following Christ: One, explicit following and two, implicit following. It is obvious that the disciples were following Jesus explicitly, accompanying him wherever he went and accomplishing all that he commanded. But the ‘someone’ in the Gospel passage of the day was not accompanying Jesus all the time but was accomplishing the command of Jesus in His name. Therefore he must have been very much for Jesus as he has said. 

In India, the percentage of Christian population comparatively is very low but quite majority of them do accept Jesus and; their testimonies, witnesses and demonstrations on the social network media can vouch for the same. Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Polycarp. He was the disciple of St. John, bishop of Smyrna and a great defender of faith. He was martyred for his faith in Jesus Christ. May this saint bless us to stand sturdy in our faith at all times fearing no one and nothing. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus give us the courage to follow you in all circumstances”

Monday, February 21, 2022

Bible Reflections I 22.02.2022 - Tuesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 7

           I - I Pt. 5: 1-4
          II - Mt. 16: 13-19

The concept of “Chair” signifies the authority, power and position. All through the Holy Scriptures, the authority to the persons of God was bestowed for the purpose of teaching, tending and turning people towards the path of God. Moses, the Lawgiver took his seat to judge his people, while the people stood around him from morning till evening (Ex. 18: 13). The Scribes and the Pharisees occupied the ‘Chair of Moses’ and interpreted the Law of Moses with ability and authority. This why Jesus cautions the people to do everything that the Scribes and the Pharisees teach from that authority but not to do what they do because the authority of Moses was from God. In the New Testament, Jesus, the New Moses, who had come to fulfill the Law (Mt. 5: 17), empowers Peter with the authority over the Church of God, entrusting keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and saying, “whatever you bind on earth shall be considered bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be considered loosed in heaven” The Petrine authority in apostolic succession comes to all the Popes of the Catholic Church.  

The celebration of this feast reminds us of a twin responsibility the people of God - the Church: One to submit ourselves in obedience to the teachings of the Church and two as St. Peter in today’s first reading writes, authority besides being power is greatly a responsibility therefore, take care of all who are entrusted into our care with utmost love and interest. Let us on this day intensify our prayers for our Holy Father, Pope Francis for his good health, wisdom, strength and for all his intentions as well. May we also remember to pray for the college of bishops and all the pastors of the Church.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Bible Reflections I 19.02.2022 - Saturday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 6

           I - Jas. 3: 1-10
          II - Mk. 9:2-13

The transfiguration of Jesus was the manifestation of who Jesus was, the revelation of his identity.  Peter, James and John saw Moses and Elijah taking to Jesus.  The former was the Law giver and the latter, a great Prophet and the vision evinced that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophesy, the Promised One of God with the assurance of the Father’s voice, “This is my Son, the Beloved listen to him”.  Peter was trying to decide for Jesus convincing him saying, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; let us make three dwellings, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah”.  But the Father’s voice instead exhorted them to listen to Him

Jesus was the beloved of the Father because Jesus listened to His Father and always obeyed His plan even to the point of emptying himself for the salvation of the humankind.  The Father exhorts in disciples each of us his followers as well to obey him.  If we obey the commandments of Jesus we too will definitely be addressed as ‘Beloved’ by the Father.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to listen to you”.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Bible Reflections I 18.02.2022 - Friday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 6

           I - Jas. 2: 14-24, 26
          II - Mk. 8:34-9:1

St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara

Jesus has given three conditions to whoever wishes to come after him: one, deny oneself, two, take up his crosses and finally to follow him.  One refuses or ceases to commit to these conditions because the pomp of the world allures, glory of the earth entraps into vanity and the pride of self prevents from following Jesus.  Jesus also says in today’s Gospel passage, “What profit is there for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?”  These words have topsy turvied the lives of many saints.  For the pomp, glory and the pride that cannot follow us after our life here on this earth that is transient, why should we give up following Christ that ensures life eternal? 

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the first male saint of Indian origin.  He was born in Kerala, belonged to the Syro-Malabar Church, an Eastern Catholic Church. St. Kuriakose was the co-founder and the first prior general of the Congregation of the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate.  The main work of their congregation was education that result in the personal and societal transformation.  St. Kuriakose was a man of prayer and overcame all hurdles with his devotion to the Eucharist and our Blessed mother.  He used to say, “Since you belong to God, you have to give yourself back to God”. Let us also like the saint of the day, dare to live for the Lord instead of giving into our pride, pomp and glory that are not eternal.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give me the courage to follow you carrying our crosses cheerfully”

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Bible Reflections I 17.02.2022 - Thursday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 6

           I - Jas. 2: 1-9
          II - Mk. 8:27-33

In today’s Gospel passage, Peter gives the right answer to the question, “Who do people say that I am?” “You are the Messiah”.  Thereafter Jesus teaches about his suffering, rejection, death and resurrection.  Peter rebukes Jesus and obstructs him from accomplishing the will God.  Peter was right in recognising Jesus but was wrong in reacting to the Plan of God. 

We too do have the knowledge and experience of the merciful, loving, caring and compassionate God.  But hesitate to yield unto His will.  We try to impose our plan upon God and wish that God acts upon the same.  The one that truly recognises God, resigns to his will as well and this is the hallmark of one’s faith, hope and love for God.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer, “Help me to yield unto Thy will O Lord”.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Bible Reflections I 16.02.2022 - Wednesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 6

           I - Jas. 1: 19-27
          II - Mk. 8:22-26

Jesus had his own style of working out miracles for the people. He healed some with his words and others with a deed viz. a touch or a look. For some others the working of the miracle was a process as in the Gospel passage of the day. People who brought the blind man, begged Jesus to touch him for a healing. Instead of touching, Jesus executes a process in two phases for healing the blind man. In the first phase, he takes the man out of the village, puts saliva on his eyes and lays his hands on him but still the man was not able to see clearly. In the second phase, he lays his hands on his eyes, looks intently and his sight was restored.

The Bible says, “Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been His counselor” (Rom. 11: 34). We often fall into the temptation of dictating to the Lord, “Do this, do that…”. Instead, the Gospel passage of the day instructs us to pray and be patient, waiting in hope. God can and will work miracle for us in His own ways and in His own time. Trust, commit to the Lord and remain calm, the rest God will take care. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer, “Lord Jesus, teach me to yield myself unto thy will”.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Bible Reflections I 15.02.2022 - Tuesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 6

           I - Jas. 1: 12-18
          II - Mk. 8:14-21

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus cautions his disciples to be careful about the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod. The leaven of the Pharisees and Herod made human living cumbersome and tiring. The leaven of the Pharisees was, the manipulated Law and the leaven of Herod was, the manipulated living. The Pharisees multiplied the law and weighed it upon simple people, leaving out its essence: Love. Herod was so cunning that Jesus himself called him a “Fox” (Lk. 13: 32). If the people were not shrewd they would fall a prey to the deceiving promulgations of Herod. Both made the simple living a complex and a complicated one.

The function of leaven is fermentation. If we are not careful it will spoil the entire pie. Today’s Gospel passage is a caution and an invitation to each one of us as well. A caution to be away from all that divides, confuses, corrupts and destroys and an invitation to keep aglow and alight the Law of the Lord: Love. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give me the wisdom to distinguish and discern the truth”.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Bible Reflections I 14.02.2022 - Monday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 6

           I - Jas. 1: 1-11
          II - Mk. 8:11-13

Sts. Cyril and Methodius (Memorial)


In today’s Gospel passage, the Pharisees seek Jesus for a sign from heaven to test him.  Jesus sighs at the willful neglect and rebellious attitude of the Pharisees despite witnessing wonders and miracles that he had worked among them until then.  Therefore Jesus declines the Pharisees’ request, get into the boat and goes to the other side.

We are in no way better than the Pharisees.  We all would have experienced and can vouch for God’s miraculous hands in our very lives even in the minutest details.  Still, when the time comes, we too do demand for a sign from God.  A heart that loves and trusts never asks for sign.  Conviction asserts faith against all doubts and disbelief scoring off all disbelief and doubts.  Be convinced of God’s love that kindle trust and hope in Him at all times and in all circumstances. 

Today the Church celebrates the feast of two brothers, St. Cyril and St. Methodius. They were Byzantine theologians and missionaries.  They took the Gospel to the Slavs in their own slav vernaculars developing the alphabets and translating the Bible and the liturgical books.  Ardent and convinced evangelizsers who proclaimed Christ against all odds! May these saints intercede for us as our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, I trust in you”

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Bible Reflections I 13.02.2022 - Sunday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 6

           I - Jer. 17: 5-8
          II - 1Cor. 15:12, 16-20
         III - Lk. 6: 17, 20-26

In the first reading of the day, Prophet Jeremiah speaks about the earthly blessings to the people who trust in the Lord and curses on those who trust in mortal men. In the second reading, St. Paul speaks about the eternal inheritance of the people who hope in the Lord, risen from the dead. In the Gospel passage, Jesus in his ‘Sermon on the plain’ speaks of the blessings on those who choose to live for the Lord and the woes upon those who conduct their lives based on the worldly standards. Deprivation, suffering, hatred, defamation and false accusation endured for the Lord with great trust and hope in Him will be rewarded with the eternal life of bliss and happiness.

Endurance of anything on account of the Lord requires tremendous trust and hope in Him. In our families, work places, among friends and in the society, often we lack courage to stand up and side for the truth for the fear of enduring hatred, alienation, branding, labeling, jeering and mocking from them. We feel secured in our comfort zone. Jesus challenges to risk the comfort zone to inherit the eternal bliss prepared for us. And this is possible only to those who trust and hope in the Lord. Place your trust and hope in the Lord and stay ‘Blessed’ forever. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Our trust and hope is in the Lord our God”.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Bible Reflections I 12.02.2022 - Saturday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 5

           I - 1Kings 12: 26-32; 13: 33-34
          II - Mk. 8: 1-10


The heart of Jesus for the great crowd was moved with compassion for three reasons: one, they had been with him for three days; two, they had nothing to eat and three, if he sends them hungry they might collapse on the way because few had come from great distance to hear him.  This concern of Jesus impelled him to multiply the seven loaves and few fish that they had, to the crowd of four thousand till they were satisfied and the remnant collected in seven baskets.  

Multiplication of loaves is the prefiguration of the institution of the Holy Eucharist. The Gospel according to St. John, chapter 17 is about Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that evince the concern of Jesus for his people including you and me.  The compassionate Lord wanted to remain with us forever, satisfying and satiating; refreshing and rejuvenating; comforting and consoling and encouraging and enthusing to march ahead in the pursuit of our spiritual journey towards him.  Therefore he instituted the Holy Eucharist - as a remembrance of him to be with us forever until he comes in glory.

In the light of the Gospel passage of the day, let us reflect on our approach to the Holy Eucharist, whether we have made it a mere ritual and an obligation or rather approach with a grateful heart in reciprocity to His love and benevolence.  The bible says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps. 34: 8).  Taste the Lord who comes in love to dwell in us in the Holy Eucharist.  Let us resolve to remain with the Lord with His strength from the Eucharist for a credible Christian living.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, teach me to abide in you”.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Bible Reflections I 11.02.2022 - Friday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 5

           I - 1Kings 11: 29-32; 12: 19
          II - Mk. 7: 31-37

Today the Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. The apparition at Lourdes, France took place in 1858, after the declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mother Mary. The little girl Bernadette Sourbiroux was told to ask the name of the Lady who appeared to her and the Lady responded saying, “I am the Immaculate Conception”. The apparition indeed was an affirmation on the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Mother, ever virgin. Mother Mary had appeared eighteen times to this little girl insisting on, “Pray to God for the conversion of sinners”. Today’s Gospel passage is about Jesus healing the deaf and the dumb man, saying “Ephphatha” (“Be opened”). May we through the intercession of our Blessed Mother implore Jesus to look at us also and say, “Ephphatha” so that we may open up our mind and heart to the Word of God and be back on the track of God that leads to holiness and fullness of life.

St. Pope John Paul II declared this day as the ‘World Day of the Sick’, that serves as a purpose of reminding the healing ministry of the Church. The day is also dedicated to gratefully remember all who strive to restore the health of the sick: the doctors, nurses, care takers, health workers… In the first part of the Gospel passage of the day we read, some men brought the deaf and the dumb man to Jesus and that made the healing possible for the person. As we are celebrating the ‘World Day of the Sick’ let us bring all our sick brethren through the intercession our Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Lourdes, unto the compassion and mercy for God for their comfort, healing and restoration. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Mother Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us”.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Bible Reflections I 10.02.2022 - THURSDAY I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 5

           I - 1Kings 11: 4-13
          II - Mk. 7: 24-30

Patience, perseverance and purpose backed by faith and trust gets a miracle done is one of the takeaways of the Gospel passage of the day. The Syrophoenician woman, a gentile, approaches Jesus for a miracle - that the demon be driven off from her little daughter. Jesus tests her patience to the extent of calling her a ‘dog’ but the mother never gave up. She was purposeful, that her daughter be relived from the clutches of the unclean spirit, for she has heard about Jesus. The mother of the little daughter had great faith and tremendous trust in the Lord that she finally heard from Jesus: “…you may go your way; the demon has left your daughter”. 

Jesus says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Mt. 7:7). Ask with patience, seek with purpose and knock with perseverance, all backed up with faith and trust in the Lord and the miracle will be obtained. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, I trust in you”.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Bible Reflections I 09.02.2022 - Wednesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 5

           I - 1Kings 10: 1-10
          II - Mk. 7: 14-23

The Jews considered that what comes from outside makes a person unclean.  This is why they had ‘n’ number of purifying rituals and rites.  They alienated and avoided persons, places and objects under the pretext of keeping themselves clean so as to remain ‘holy’ before the Lord.  Jesus in today’s Gospel passage purifies their attitude and revives the Law of the Lord by insisting on the importance of being pure in heart and mind.  What enters from outside into the person gets also outside harming none.  “For from within, out of the heart of man, come evils thoughts” that harms the individual and the people with whom he associates.  Therefore all that comes from within defiles and not that what comes from outside of the person.

There are also still people who hold on to rites and rituals under perception that these would set them apart and pure and this is not purity at all.  What the Lord wants and desires is the purity of mind and heart from which flows pure thoughts, words and deeds that build up and foster good vibes towards positivity, prosperity and purity.  Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord God, create in me a pure and clean heart”.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Bible Reflections I 08.02.2022 - Tuesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 5

           I - 1Kings 8: 22-23, 27-30
          II - Mk. 7: 1-13

St. Josephine Bakhita (Memorial)

Today the Church honours St. Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese woman from Darfur region of Africa.  She was kidnapped by slave traders and was sold for five times in slave markets.  She was brutally beaten and physically scarred, bearing this excruciating experience of the crime in her body, soul, mind and heart.  She was finally sold to an Italian diplomat, who was affectionate towards her and introduced the Master, par excellence, Jesus Christ to her.  She was so much captivated by this Master, Jesus Christ who was flogged, abused, mocked and crucified as a ransom for the salvation of the humankind.  Against all odds, she received baptism, and entered the religious congregation of the Canossian Sisters.  Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI thus described her vocation, “The hope born in her she could not keep to herself; this hope had to reach many, to reach everybody”.  St. Josephine Bakhita did not do any great thing but small things with great love.  She joyfully carried out the call of Christ in all the least important menial tasks that were assigned to her, but with great and utmost love.  Every child who entered the campus to be educated by the Canossian Sisters, experienced the warmth of the love of St. Josephine Bakhita. She was simple, humble, noble and magnanimous in accomplishing all for Jesus. She was declared as the patron saint of human trafficking.

In today’s Gospel passage, the Pharisees accuses the disciples of Jesus for not washing their hands before eating - a ritual to be performed by every Jew.  The Pharisees, gave importance not to the commandment of God but on the other hand to the traditions of their forefathers. Jesus vehemently opposes this duplicity and their convenience; and emphasis on the importance of the commandment of God that is based on love.  Saint Theresa of Calcutta says, “In this life, we cannot do great things.  We can only do small things with great love”.  Adhering to the command of God and after the example St. Josephine Bakhita, accomplish even the smallest thing with great love and this is sanctity.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, fill my heart with your love”.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Bible Reflections I 07.02.2022 - Monday I Indraya Manna I

           I - 2Cor. 6: 4-10
          II - Mt. 10: 17-22

St. Gonzalo Gracia, Martyr (First Indian Saint)

In the Gospel passage of the day, Jesus speaks of the suffering, persecution and betrayal by one’s own dear ones, to be endured by his followers on account of his name. But Jesus also assures of the assistance of the Holy Spirit in giving the right word to be spoken to the officials at the time of our trial. Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Gonzalo Gracia, the first Indian saint, an evincing example to the Gospel passage of the day.  

Gonzalo wished very much to be a Jesuit and his wish could not be realised. So, he went to Manila, Philippines as lay missionary. Through the intervention of Fr. Peter Baptista, a Franciscan priest, Gonzalo was ordained a Franciscan friar. He went to Japan as missionary and worked there for four years. The Japanese regime along with Gonzalo arrested twenty six confessors and crucified them on suspicion. God blessed Gonzalo with tremendous courage that he went straight to one of the crosses laid there and asked, “Is it mine?” Valiant courage at the face of death for the sake of Christ the Lord! The others too one after the other started doing the same. May St. Gonzalo help us to be courageous in exercising our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, fill us with the courage to live and die for you alone”.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Bible Reflections I 06.02.2022 - Sunday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 5

           I - Is. 3: 6-1-2, 3-8
          II - 1Cor. 15: 1-11
         III - Lk. 5: 1-11

The crux of the three readings of the day is that God calls us to be the messenger of His Words though we are unclean, unfit and sinful. In the first reading, beholding the majesty of the Lord of Lords seated on His royal throne, in his vision, Prophet Isaiah says, “I am a man of unclean lips”.   In the second reading, St. Paul says, “…Unfit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the Church of God”.  In the Gospel passage, after a mighty catch, St. Peter fell down at Jesus’ knee and said, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord”.  Prophet Isaiah was sent by God to His people on His behalf; St. Paul was appointed to be the apostle to the Gentiles, bringing Good News to them and upon St. Peter the Rock, the Church of God was built.  Simple, stern and sinful people were chosen to carry on the Holy Words of All Holy God.  

God calls and qualifies people to be His messengers.  Prophet Isaiah’s lips were touched with burning coal and purified; Jesus appeared to St. Paul on His way to  Damascus and qualified him to be  his apostle and  the ‘Do you love me?” of Jesus to Peter, three times confirmed his love and mission.  Thus were they set on the right track of being the messengers of God’s love and mercy with courage and boldness.  Honest and humble self-acceptance is the basic qualification to the very great and demanding task of God.  In the light of these three readings, make an examination of self and surrender your ways to God so that you to may become witnessing and courageous ambassadors of Christ, our Lord. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord make me an effective instrument of your Good News of love”

Friday, February 4, 2022

Bible Reflections I 05.02.2022 - Saturday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 4

           I - 1Kings 3: 4-13
          II - Mk. 6: 30-34

St. Agatha, Virgin, Martyr (Memorial)

Today’s Gospel passage speaks of Jesus’ care and concern for his disciples and; his compassion and consideration for the crowd that followed them. The disciples after their assigned ministry accounts to Jesus with enthusiasm all that they had done and taught. They were so busy that they had no leisure even to eat. So Jesus asks them to go away themselves so that they refresh and rejuvenate themselves for the rigorous mission ahead. On the other hand, the crowd flocks to them on foot from all the towns. Jesus, moved with compassion did attend to them and never drove them away despite his tedious mission of preaching, teaching, healing and curing. 

Jesus was always God centered and people oriented. He was particular about God mission and at the same time shepherded people in God’s ways. He neither rested nor relaxed at the cost of the crowd that flocked to him. Simultaneously he also cared much for the partakers of his mission, the apostles. If we focus on the mission God has entrusted to us in our Baptism, God will attend to our needs even when unexpressed as he says, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you” (Mt. 6:33).  

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Agatha who was tortured because she had consecrated her virginity to God. When she was brutally treated by cutting off her breasts and imprisoned, St. Peter, the apostle appeared to her in her vision, comforted her and prayed for the healing of her wounds. A legendary example of God’s concern for his people who choose to live for him. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to be focused in your mission”.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Bible Reflections I 04.02.2022 - Friday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 4

           I - 1Cor 9: 19-27
          II - Jn. 12: 20-32

Today the Church celebrates the Feast of St. John de Britto, an a ardent ambassador of Christ.  He was born in Lisbon, Portugal.  When he was small, he was struck with severe illness.  He prayed to St. Francis Xavier.  When he recovered, his mother clothed him in tunic, worn by Jesuit fathers for a year.  From then on, John de Britto was passionate to follow Jesus in the footsteps of St. Francis Xavier, the apostle of India.  Against his parents’ opposition, he joined with twenty seven Jesuits and left for India declaring zealously, “God, who called me from the world into religious life, now calls me from Portugal to India”.

He worked in Madura, the Jesuit mission, proclaiming Christ and baptizing people.  He took care of those affected by natural disasters and those migrated because of wars.  He was plotted for his goodness and charitable activities among the poor and the needy.  And finally he was martyred.  John de Britto at the order of the king knelt before the execution block.  But the executioner hesitated to kill him.  To him John the Britto said, “My friend, I have prayed to God.  On my part, I have done what I should do.  Now you do your part”.  Tremendous courage to lay down his life for the Gospel!  In today’s Gospel passage we read, “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit”.  A Martyr turns the heart of multitude towards Christ as has been witnessed by the Church from the time of Jesus, his apostles,  early Christians and those Christians of our times as well.  Dare to risk life for Christ and it is a courageous witness mark of true Christian. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give me the courage to risk all for you”.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Bible Reflections I 03.02.2022 - Thursday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 4

           I - 1Kings 2: 1-4, 10-12
          II - Mk. 6: 7-13

In today’s Gospel passage we read Jesus sending his disciples two by two and instructing them not to take anything for their sustenance. They are supposed to preach, teach, cure and cast out demons staying in the house they enter.  If any of the house does not accept them, Jesus says to shake off the dust from the feet and depart from there because rejection of the disciples and their message is rejection of Jesus himself.  

Jesus employs his team of twelve to carry on the work of the Kingdom of God.  He involves his disciples with instruction to carry on his mission.  This exemplifies the trust of Jesus, the God Man, in the simple human folk. The same mission of proclamation is entrusted to each of us too through our baptism. It is our prime responsibility to proclaim Jesus not only in our words but more fully in our deed of kindness, love, forbearance, humility, simplicity, meekness, gentleness, forgiveness, acceptance and honesty.  Do courageously bear witness to the Gospel message not merely in words but in life, with courage and boldness.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to be your effective disciple of the Good News”.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Bible Reflections I 02.02.2022 - Wednesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 4

           I - Mal. 3: 1-4
          II - Heb. 2: 14-18
         III - Lk. 2: 22-40

Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord by his parents in the temple fulfilling the law of Moses. This feast is celebrated after forty days of Christmas, the birth of Jesus. As Jesus was brought into the temple, Simeon recognised him though Jesus was brought into the temple by a simple and insignificant parents. He recognised the Messiah in the little babe because, the spirit of the Lord was upon him and he was a righteous, devout and was patiently waiting for the Lord trusting in His promise. And finally he did behold, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to the His people Israèl.

Tagore says, “Every moment and every age, every day and every night he comes, comes and ever comes”. Jesus comes to visit us every day, every hour, every moment and in every event, it is up to us to recognise him. If we allow the spirit of the Lord to take precedence over us and be obedient and submissive to his promptings we will definitely be like Simeon able to recognise Him as he comes. The day of the presentation of the Lord is also celebrated as the World Religious Day. Let us intensify our prayers for all priests and religious that they may discover the Lord in the persons they serve, meet and in every event and moment of their lives as He comes. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Help us Lord to yield unto the promptings of the Holy Spirit.