Friday, February 11, 2022

Bible Reflections I 12.02.2022 - Saturday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 5

           I - 1Kings 12: 26-32; 13: 33-34
          II - Mk. 8: 1-10


The heart of Jesus for the great crowd was moved with compassion for three reasons: one, they had been with him for three days; two, they had nothing to eat and three, if he sends them hungry they might collapse on the way because few had come from great distance to hear him.  This concern of Jesus impelled him to multiply the seven loaves and few fish that they had, to the crowd of four thousand till they were satisfied and the remnant collected in seven baskets.  

Multiplication of loaves is the prefiguration of the institution of the Holy Eucharist. The Gospel according to St. John, chapter 17 is about Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that evince the concern of Jesus for his people including you and me.  The compassionate Lord wanted to remain with us forever, satisfying and satiating; refreshing and rejuvenating; comforting and consoling and encouraging and enthusing to march ahead in the pursuit of our spiritual journey towards him.  Therefore he instituted the Holy Eucharist - as a remembrance of him to be with us forever until he comes in glory.

In the light of the Gospel passage of the day, let us reflect on our approach to the Holy Eucharist, whether we have made it a mere ritual and an obligation or rather approach with a grateful heart in reciprocity to His love and benevolence.  The bible says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps. 34: 8).  Taste the Lord who comes in love to dwell in us in the Holy Eucharist.  Let us resolve to remain with the Lord with His strength from the Eucharist for a credible Christian living.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, teach me to abide in you”.


  1. The concern of Jesus is great. Thank you father 🙏

  2. Thank you Fr.for the inspiring reflection .

  3. Lord Jesus, teach me to abide in you. Amem

  4. The concern of Jesus for his people is our comfort and consolation. Praise you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.

  5. Wonderful introspection on the participation in the Holy Eucharist. Enlightening.

  6. Inspiring reflection on the care, concern and compassion of Jesus. Thanks a lot father for your everyday indraya manna.

  7. Lord Jesus, teach me to abide in you.
