Monday, February 21, 2022

Bible Reflections I 22.02.2022 - Tuesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 7

           I - I Pt. 5: 1-4
          II - Mt. 16: 13-19

The concept of “Chair” signifies the authority, power and position. All through the Holy Scriptures, the authority to the persons of God was bestowed for the purpose of teaching, tending and turning people towards the path of God. Moses, the Lawgiver took his seat to judge his people, while the people stood around him from morning till evening (Ex. 18: 13). The Scribes and the Pharisees occupied the ‘Chair of Moses’ and interpreted the Law of Moses with ability and authority. This why Jesus cautions the people to do everything that the Scribes and the Pharisees teach from that authority but not to do what they do because the authority of Moses was from God. In the New Testament, Jesus, the New Moses, who had come to fulfill the Law (Mt. 5: 17), empowers Peter with the authority over the Church of God, entrusting keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and saying, “whatever you bind on earth shall be considered bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be considered loosed in heaven” The Petrine authority in apostolic succession comes to all the Popes of the Catholic Church.  

The celebration of this feast reminds us of a twin responsibility the people of God - the Church: One to submit ourselves in obedience to the teachings of the Church and two as St. Peter in today’s first reading writes, authority besides being power is greatly a responsibility therefore, take care of all who are entrusted into our care with utmost love and interest. Let us on this day intensify our prayers for our Holy Father, Pope Francis for his good health, wisdom, strength and for all his intentions as well. May we also remember to pray for the college of bishops and all the pastors of the Church.


  1. Enlightening message on the chair of Peter. Thank you father.

  2. God bless our pope and bishops on this day. Amen

  3. Inspiring reflection on the chair of Peter. God Bless you father🙏🙏🙏

  4. Authority is humble service after the example of Jesus our Lord. Thank you God for all the Shepherds of the church and for their service to the humanity.

  5. Thank you Fr. for the wonderful reflection.🙏🙏
