Sunday, August 27, 2023

Bible Reflections I 27.08.2023 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 21
           I - Is. 22: 19-23
           II - Rom. 11: 33-36
          III - Mt. 18: 13-20


In the second reading of the day, St. Paul in his letter to the Romans says that unsearchable are God’s judgments and inscrutable are his ways. He chooses whomever he wants for accomplishing His mission. None can complain or contradict or counsel Him. He enthrones as well as dethrones. None can question or argue with Him. In the first reading, God chooses Eliakim to be the king of Jerusalem. To Him would He entrust the key of the house of David. In the Gospel passage, Jesus chooses Simon Peter, the impetuous fisherman to lead the New Israel, the People of God handing him the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. God does not call the qualified rather He calls and qualifies. Qualification befitting to the mission entrusted: to lead his little flock.   

We are called by God for a purpose. He has not created us in vain. All we need to do is to wait for Him and to discern His will with diligence. Pray in a special way today for all our church leaders and the leaders of the nation as well that they may lead the Church and the latter the nation according to the Plan of God.

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