Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Bible Reflections I 17.08.2023 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 19
            I - Joshua 3: 7-10, 11, 13-17
           II - Mt. 18:21-19:1

Forgiveness is the hallmark of Christian living. In the Gospel reading today Jesus answers Peter’s query by exhorting him to forgive the offender seventy times seven, which means a complete forgiveness. In the prayer taught by Jesus, we invoke God praying, “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” (Mt. 6:12), a conditional forgiveness. Therefore to be forgiven, one has to forgive. Forgiveness favours a bonding relationship that fosters fraternity, unity and communion thus realising the dream of Jesus: the kingdom of God.  

Jesus says, “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that you father in heaven may forgive your sins” (Mk. 11:25). We need to forgive, if we need to obtain forgiveness from God. Jesus had forgiven the torturers and the executioners who tortured and nailed him to the cross and had left us an example to walk his way. Let us follow the way of the Shepherd and set example to the world, as sterling Christians after the heart of Jesus Christ our Lord.

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