I - Jud. 13: 18-20; 14: 9
II - Gal. 5: 13-17
III - Lk. 1: 46-55
“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” is the song of every Christian today and every India Christian in particular. This day is a great and gorgeous day in deed. As Christians, we are joyful at the assumption of our Blessed Mother into Heaven and grateful for the prefiguration of our destination in this mystery of assumption; As Indians we are joyful in recalling the day of freedom and grateful for the sacrifices of people were responsible for getting us freedom. Both the feasts synchronize at one concept that is freedom. Freedom is responsibility. The celebrations invite us to introspect our life as responsible Christians and responsible Citizens of India. As Christians our freedom consists in conducting our life by the Spirit and as Citizens of the nation, it is in conducting our life diligently by doing all our best in preserving the wonderful and unique heritage of our nation, ‘Unity in Diversity’, with the Spirit of “Indian”.
The dogma of faith on the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was declared on 1st November, 1950 by Pope Pius XII: “The most Blessed Virgin Mary, when the course of her earthly life was completed, was taken body and soul into the glory of heaven, where she shares in the glory of her Son’s resurrection, anticipating the resurrection of all members of his body”. Assumption of Mary is the prefiguration of the destiny of every member of the universal church. Mother Mary was privileged to assume into heaven because, primarily she was faithful to her call, to be the mother of God and secondly, she sought and accomplished the will the God at all time in her life. It was possible for Mother Mary because she walked by the Spirit. The feast of assumption therefore becomes an invitation and inspiration for each of us to remain faithful to the state of life to which we have been called which is possible as St. Paul in the second reading exhorts we have to walk by the Spirit . However challenging, trying or tearing, learn to take delight in seeking and accomplishing the will of God. These two resolutions can help us combat the constant struggle between the good and evil making us victors, conquering the evil as did our Blessed Mother Mary. May our Blessed Mother help us too to be modelled after her as we solemnize this her feast day today.
India celebrates the seventy seventh independence day today. As we hoist the national flag commemorating the same, entrust India under the protection and help of Mother Mary that she may help all of us to live in unity, charity, prosperity, justice, equality and brotherhood. Let us make the prayer of Tagore our own as we celebrate the Independence Day today by constantly repeating: “Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake”.
Mother Mary assumed into heaven pray for us