Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Bible Reflections I 02.08.2023 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 17
           I - Ex. 34: 29-35
          II - Mt. 13: 44-46

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus compares the Kingdom of God with the treasure and the pearls.  The man finding the treasure and the merchant finding the precious pearls sold ‘all that they had’ to possess the treasure and the pearls respectively.  They were ready to give up all that they had to gain something great and more precious than all that they had.  

The Kingdom of God is indeed more precious compared to the worldly possessions we hold on to.  If we discover this truth we will be ready and willing to give up our name, fame, pride, ego, grudges, enmity, hatred…and will also be ready to love, respect, give up, forgive, submit…all for the sake of the Kingdom of God.  Give up willingly and voluntarily in order to gain all that is precious and permanent

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