I - Ex. 32: 15-24, 30-34
II - Mt. 13: 31-35
Today the church celebrates the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Inigo was the youngest of 13 children of a noble and wealthy family.At the age of 16, Inigo left his home to serve as a page for Juan Velazques, treasurer of the kingdom of Castile. He was frequently at court and developed a taste for the material world. He served as an officer in the Spanish army. On May 20, at the battle of Pamplona, his leg was broken by a cannon ball and he was bedridden for the next year. During his difficult recovery, Inigo asked for books and he was given the life of Christ and biographies of the saints, topics which he found unexpectedly fascinating. St. Ignatius, as soldier had always dreamed of imitating heroes, but now, the heroes had names like Francis of Assisi and Catherine of Siena. Ignatius also noticed something strange happening to him. He realized that God was working within him, prompting, guiding and inviting.
He lived in a cave outside the town of Manresa. Ignatius began writing about the emotions that took hold of him, feelings of gratitude, anguish, consolation and sadness, while encountering the Sacred Scripture and compiled them under the title ‘The Spiritual Exercises’. The Spiritual Exercises is a series of compilations on meditations, prayers, and other contemplative practices, meant to be used like a handbook, especially for spiritual directors who accompany and guide people through the process of reflection and prayer.
Ignatius pursued his education at the University of Paris. While studying at the University of Paris, Ignatius boarded with two saintly men, St. Francis Xavier and St. Peter Faber who would not only join him in forming the Society of Jesus but would also be canonized as saints. Ignatius and six others (including Francis Xavier and Peter Faber) pronounce vows of poverty, chastity and obedience and form the Society of Jesus. Ignatius was joined by six companions when the Society of Jesus started as a religious order, which brought the number of total Jesuits in 1540 to 7. On September 27, 1540, Pope Paul III made the Society of Jesus an official religious order in the Catholic Church. Its members unanimously elected Ignatius as the first Father General.
In today’s Gospel passage Jesus speaks of the mustard seed that is tiny and small but grows so huge that the birds of the air came and made their nests in its branches. From seven men at the beginning, the Society of Jesus has grown so much that they are spread over the world serving the humanity. Little becomes huge. An encouraging nod, an appreciating word, a compassionate look, a gentle pat, silent presence, a kind gesture and above all a loving heart has a great power to touch and transform the world paving way for the heaven on earth. As people of God let us trust Lord, touch the life of the people and transform the world for the better.
St. Ignatius of Loyola is a great soldier of God.
ReplyDeleteSt. Ignatius pray for us