I - Ex. 19: 1-2, 9-11, 16-20
II - Mt. 13: 10-17
In today’s Gospel passage Jesus explains to his disciples how privileged they are to see what they see and hear what they hear. Though this privilege was also extended to the Scribes, the Pharisees and the learned of the time, they refused to perceive and understand because they were self-righteous, stubborn and too proud. The disciples and the marginalised were able to perceive and understand because they were simple, humble and were open to the truth.
In our time we are privileged to have the presence of the Eucharist and availability of the Sacraments readily to strengthen and support us. Every day we read the word of God and receive Jesus daily but we have got to analyse whether we feel his presence and allow him to transform our life. If so, we too are privileged followers of the Lord as did his disciples.
Thank you fr♥️