Thursday, July 20, 2023

Bible Reflections I 21.07.2023 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 15
           I - Ex. 11: 10-12:14
          II - Mt. 12: 1 - 8 

In today’s Gospel passage, the hungry disciples pluck ears of corn to eat and this was accused by the Pharisees as violation of Sabbath. Jesus defends his disciples quoting the violation done by David and his companions; and the priests in the temple. Jesus picks up this opportunity to enlighten the Pharisees on the truth about Temple, Sabbath and Sacrifice. Temple signifies the presence of God and the purpose of Sabbath was to abstain from work so as to be present to the Lord in prayer and worship. The Pharisees made Sabbath a burden with so many rules and thereby making the life of the common man difficult and cumbersome. Jesus intervenes and educates that the best offering in which God delights is mercy and compassion. 

We are no different from the Pharisees. We wish to be meticulous in our rituals, rubrics, rules and traditions. Days of fasting, pilgrimage, penance and offering take precedence in our life than mercy, compassion and concern for the suffering neighbour. Today’s Gospel passage is an invitation to examine our acts of piety whether they are backed by concern for humanity, if not, convert your practices unto the demands of the teachings of the Gospel.