I - Gen. 23:1-4,19; 24:1-8,62-67
II - Mt. 9:9-13
Today’s Gospel passage is about the conversion story of Matthew. Matthew himself, in his Gospel, tell us what it was like, this encounter which changed his life. He shows us an “exchange of glances” capable of changing history. Jesus looked at him. He looked at Matthew calmly, peacefully. He looked at him with eyes of mercy; he looked at him as no one had ever looked at him before. And this look unlocked Matthew’s heart; it set him free, it healed him, it gave him hope, a new life. After the Lord looked upon him with mercy, he said to Matthew: “Follow me.” Matthew got up and followed him. After the look, a word. After love, the mission. Matthew was no longer the same; he was transformed.
Being first Friday, the day dedicated to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, allow Jesus to look at us. Allow his gaze to run over our hearts and minds. Allow that look to become our joy, our hope and this is conversion. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Jesus meek and humble of hearts, fill our hearts with your love”.
Jesus meek and humble of hearts, fill our hearts with your love. Amen