Saturday, June 24, 2023

Bible Reflections I 25.06.2023 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 12
              I - Jer. 20: 10-13
      II - Rom. 5: 12-15
     III - Mt. 10: 26-33              


The one who proclaim God’s words always beget sufferings, troubles and persecutions because, His words contradict the worldly values that are compromising, convincing and comforting, centered around one self. The first and the Gospel reading of the day comes as courage and consolation to those who proclaim God’s Words and stand by the same as well. The Lord comes as warrior to protect and defend; stumbling the persecutors because we are so precious and dear to the Lord that even the hairs of our head are numbered.

As St. Paul says in the second reading, we are saved by the precious blood of Jesus. Our life is redeemed from sin by the life of Jesus. Courage! Stand up for the One who loves so much, defends all times and sides when suppressed. Dare to do the will of God and suffer the consequences with the confidence that we are the children of God and that He will never let us perish.

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