Thursday, June 1, 2023

Bible Reflections I 02.06.2023 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 8
            I - Sir. 44: 1, 9-13
           II - Mk. 11: 11-25

Today’s Gospel says that Jesus in the distance sees a ‘fig tree in leaf’ which means that the fig tree is fruitful.  But to the disappointment of Jesus he found no fruit at all in the tree.  So he curses the fig tree and goes to the temple.  The temple is a place of prayer and worship.  But it was made a business centre and a place of money making. The fruitless fig tree and the temple that targeted business provoked the anger of Jesus because they were deceptive and lost their purpose.  They appeared to be what they were not.  

We are the temple of God and are called to chant the praises and glory of God and this of course is a purposeful and fruitful living.  Often times we appear to be fruitful in our deceiving gestures, impressing words, pretention and falsehood forgetting that we are the temple of God.  We can easily deceive people but never God who knows even the most secret thoughts of our hearts.  We sadden and disappoint God with our dishonest and disintegrated living.  Let us take up our lives as it comes and live to the best trusting in the grace and mercy of God.  Let us resolve to be sincere with ourselves, to God and to our neighbours so that God may be pleased to have a residence in our hearts and that our lives may become purposeful and fruitful glorifying the Lord.

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