Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Bible Reflections I 17.05.2023 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Easter Week 6
           I - Acts 17: 15, 22-18: 1
          II - Jn. 16: 12-15
St. Paul was a vehement preacher, convinced Christian, passionate apostle and an ardent missionary. He toiled hard to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. He grabbed every opportunity to preach and announce the Good News. In today’s first reading, we read how Paul introduced Christ to the people of Athens. When Paul saw the altar with an inscription, “To the unknown God”, he convinced them that ‘the unknown God’ was Christ Jesus, the Lord and in him we live and move and have our being, and insisted them on repentance and conversion.  

In the light of the reading let us examine our lives. Though we have ample opportunities to proclaim Christ, we often fail to do so for various reasons. Take some quite moments today to examine why we are hesitant in proclaiming Christ to others. ‘Action speak louder than words’ - It would be more effective if we proclaim Christ through our credible Christian living. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help us to be your authentic apostle”