Saturday, May 13, 2023

Bible Reflections I 14.05.2023 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Easter Week 6
           I - Acts 8: 3-8, 14-17
          II - I Pt. 3: 15-18
         III - Jh. 14: 15-21
Today’s Gospel passage is a prelude to the ascension of the Lord we are about to celebrate in a week’s time. He assures the disciples of a place with him in the Father’s place. Meanwhile he insists that we keep his commandments until he comes again in glory to take us all back. Jesus also promises for a helper, the Holy Spirit who will guide us in this pursuit. Jesus has not abandoned us with his ascension but has given us the Holy Spirit in his place to accompany us in our journey towards him.

God plans so meticulously for us as a Father to his children. He knows are strength, weakness, ups, downs, abilities and potentials. If our vision and ambition align with his plan for us he would definitely bring it to perfection. When we fail in our pursuit, trust God more and when we succeed thank God more because we are His children. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer, “Father, help us to trust you at all times”.

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