Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Bible Reflections I 11.05.2023 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Easter Week 5
           I - Acts 15: 7-21
          II - Jh. 15: 9-11
In yesterday’s Gospel passage Jesus invited us to remain in his love and in today’s Gospel passage Jesus prescribes the methodology to be united in his love viz., to abide in his love. Abiding in God’s love is keeping his commandments: love of God and love of neighbour for one cannot exist without the other.

People take upon themselves round the clock prayer practices, pilgrimage, fasting and abstinences to prove their love for God but deliberately neglect to help the needy neighbour in the next door. One who says that he/she loves God and does not love the neighbour is a liar (1Jn. 4: 20). Therefore in loving our neighbour we love God and vice versa and this is what is abiding in God’s love. May our mind heart resonate with the prayer, “Lord Jesus, give us the grace to abide in your love”